Monday, July 27, 2009

That Should Be Invented

In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell received the first patent for an electric phone. In 1910, Henry Ford built the Model T. It was the first car that "everyone" could afford. In 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, was sold in the USA.

There have been many leaps and bounds to technology, especially in the last 20 years. I look at my enV touch and see so many things that were never even thought about just ten years ago. It has a pressure touch screen, microchips, plastic everywhere, and mathematics that might even scare Albert Einstein.

It is crazy to think that a couple generations ago, life expectancy was about 40 years old, where it is currently at 70. The advances in medicine and electronics are making the world a better, semi-healthier place with extreme overpopulation.

The thing that I wonder constantly from all these examples is why simple inventions haven't been created. There are many things that could greatly improve the world, and they have either been ignored or have had many failures. Here are some they I ponder why they haven't been invented:

1.) A working diet
2.) Efficient alternative energy.
3.) Way to sleep less (drug or practice)
4.) Teleportation
5.) Intentional genetic mutation
6.) Mind reading devices
7.) Virtual reality video games
8.) Drugs w/o side effects
9.) 100% contraception
10.) Way to instantly understand other languages/animals

I am personally very fascinated with 4, 6, and 7. That is why I have chose to go for a computer engineering degree at WSU. I want to be famous to the scientific community, not the common population, for the strides I will do for humans and the world. I want to die knowing that I made one person happy. So I will continue to ponder "why not" instead of "why" and try to make the world the best place I can.

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